The goods of different customers located on the same route are carried out by the same means of transport is called partial transportation or piece goods transportation.

Partial transportation is a highly preferred type of transportation because it is less costly in the types of transportation by road, air and sea.

The Benefits of Partial Transportation

Partial transportation keeps storage costs to a minimum and at the same time reduces the cost of transportation. It offers the possibility of transportation with low freight.

How is the Partial Load Calculated?

The partial load calculation depends on which type of transport the transport to be performed will be with. Weight measurements such as cubic meters and lademeters are used for transportation to be performed in road transport. When calculating the load, the width, length, height of the load and how many loads are evaluated.

The calculation of the partial load is found in the form of PIECES × WIDTH × HEIGHT × LENGTH

1 m3= 333 kg

1 ton = 3m3

1 ldm =1750 kg